September 12: Sharing summer activities through show and tell.
October 10: Advanced pot holders on a small loom. Ginny Kleinklas of Cazenovia will share her techniques for creating distinctive
pot holders.
November 14: Violet Project. Ann Morton will speak via Zoom to update us
about the project which was organized to highlight the need for
collaboration, respect and cooperation between the two major
political parties.
December 12: Annual Christmas party.
January 9: Barbara Decker will share the highlights of her recent trip to
Italy where she got to see how the fiber artists of Italy work.
February 13: The Handicrafts of Gudjaret, a video highlighting the travels of
Marily Romatkas through India will be shown. It explores the
folk arts and fiber crafts of that country.
March 13: An opportunity to share items that ar meaningful to us. These
may come from our families, friends or ourselves.
April 3: TBA
May 8: TBA
June 12: Annual picnic